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Javascript File Not Working When Linked From Html

so I feel(and hope) this is pretty simple. I am new to javascript and am trying to get this working. When I link to my external .js file from my html it does not function. However,

Solution 1:

You are using jQuery, but it doesn't seem like you have included it. Add this to your HEAD element


Solution 2:

You need to import jQuery.


Solution 3:

Actually, i had a problem like this and i tried the code below.


Solution 4:

You dont have jquery in your <head> section. Add it before you add scripts.js. Only then will your code work.

<head><title>slidepanel test</title><linkrel="stylesheet"type="text/css"href="style.css"/><scriptsrc="//"></script><scripttype="text/javascript"src="script.js"></script></head>

If you're testing this in your local machine, add a http to the src or download your own copy of jQuery.

And just as a sidenote, its always better to add stylesheets before your js files.

Solution 5:

Looks like you're missing jQuery. Include it before you include your own JavaScript code.

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