Unable To Preventdefault Inside Passive Event Listener Due To Target Being Treated As Passive? Why This Error Upon Scrolling?
Solution 1:
I know it's a bit old. But I found a solution for my likely problem.
The problem is; wheel event needs to be passive or not. Modern browsers such as chrome threated as it passive=true. So exception rises.
Find addition of wheel event listener something like "window.addEventListener('wheel', func)" or "window.addEventListener('wheel', func, true|false)" and change it as "window.addEventListener('wheel', func, {passive:false})".
My problem solved like that.
Solution 2:
If your code is minified like it was with a plugin that I've installed in wordpress called advanced-scrollbar/js/jquery.nicescroll.min.js, then you should like FerhatOzkanun stated above look for specifics in the source code and update it accordingly, clear the cache and re-run then inspect once again. For me this solution worked..
You may look for something like this firstly:
/*comment this ->return*/b.preventDefault(); /*add this*/{passive:false}
and look for this instance and replace it.
/*comment this ->e||!1*//*add this*/{passive:false}
which refers to window.addEventListener('wheel', func, true|false) mentioned before.
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