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Pass Python Array To Javascript?

I'm new to HTML/javascript. I'm running a local server, with an html/javascript file and a separate python script. Question: How do I pass a python array to javascript variable?

Solution 1:

var x_array = [];    
var y_array = [];     

    var lines = data.split(/\r\n|\n/g);
    for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
        line = lines[i].split(/\s+/g);

Solution 2:

Use JSON instead. Then you can just parse it as

jQuery.get('http://localhost/data.txt', function(data) {
  var xy = JSON.parse(data);

and use as

alert(xy['1']); // or xy.propertyname if it is not-numeric

Your data structure would be like


Solution 3:

Just create a json structure for this and do a JSON.parse(data) after.

Here is your structure:

{x: [1,2,3,4], y:[32.1,10.0,76.3]}

Solution 4:

One of the solutions is use split. It splits the string.

var newData = [];
    data = data.split('\n');
      entry = entry.split(' ');
        x : entry[0],
        y : entry[1]

Solution 5:

You need to use regular expressions to parse the text file. You cannot just use JSON.parse() on a string that isn't in json format.

$.get("http://localhost/data.txt", parse);

functionparse(str) {
    var lineBreak = /\r\n/g;
    var space = /\s/g;
    var tmp = str.split(lineBreak).map(function(l) {
        var split = l.split(space);
        return { key: split[0], val: split[1]  };
    var data = JSON.stringify(tmp, null, 2);

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