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Form Based On Product Types

If you have a seller accounts at amazon or ever happened to look at their product upload form, I am sure you must have noticed that for each product type you wish to upload they ha

Solution 1:

There are many different ways of implementing this. In general, you probably won't be able to do something this complicated with HTML and Javascript alone, you'll need a database and some sort of scripting language like PHP or Ruby on your server to dynamically generate the pages.

It's not clear to me what languages you'd want to use, so I'll give a general description:

On the back-end, in a database I'd create a table for the general product. This table would have a field for product type. Then I would create additional tables for the specific product types, and have these tables store all the additional fields, and the primary key referencing the entry in the main, general product table. I would then create a table for product type, which has the product ID's used in the field in the general product table, and a second field referencing the name of the table in the database that stores this type of product.

The code that is all in common between all types of products, I would have reference the general product table. I would then allow the user to specify the product type, and when this is clicked, send the user to a new page, which would run a script. The script would query the database to retrieve the table name for that data type, and then query the database for a description of additional fields specific to that data type, and display an appropriate form, dynamically generated based on what the database returns.

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