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Web Scraping Using Selenium And Beautifulsoup.. Trouble In Parsing And Selecting Button

I am trying to web scrape the following website 'url='' '. The website contains more than 8000 data. From this page I need the information like compan

Solution 1:

The click method is intended to emulate a mouse click; it's for use on elements that can be clicked, such as buttons, drop-down lists, check boxes, etc. You have applied this method to a div element which is not clickable. Elements like div, span, frame and so on are used to organise HTML and provide for decoration of fonts, etc.

To make this code work you will need to identify the elements in the page that are actually clickable.

Solution 2:

Oops my typing mistake or some silly mistake here, I was using the div class name wrong it is "column followers sortable" instead I was using "column followers sortable selected". :-( Now the above works pretty good.. but can anyone guide me with beautifulsoup HTML parsing part?

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